Voto PLUS 3.0.1
Разработчик: Monkey In My Soup
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Совместимость: Android 2.2 и выше
Состояние: Полная версия
Ссылка на Android Market Web
[/b] Приложение для создания снимков в стиле "polaroid".
- New: support for Android 2.1
- New: shake your phone to roll the dice!
- New: sharing to Instagram
- New: lomofy pictures without adding a frame.
- New: option to disable automatically saving results
- Fixed: images were rotated on select Samsung devices
- Fixed: occasional crashes when using the camera
- Improved: interface is now more intuitive, more modern, more Android-y, more compatible with hi-res screens and more betterer!
... and numerous other bugfixes and small improvements.
[8 Mb] (cкачиваний: 50)