Quick Gallery PREMIUM 4.7.0
Галерея для Android смартфонов и планшетов с поддержкой фоторедактора.
Разработчик: Mobato
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский by ZEX
Совместимость: Android™ 4.1+
Состояние: Premium версия
Screenshot: Original by Dymonyxx
Google Play Market
Bug fixes:
- improved toolbars for the darkroom with better gradients, shadows & button colors
- fixed video thumbs to display with correct aspect ratio & not fill up entire screen
- fixed zoomed images to only scroll to next/prev image if edge is reached
- improved memory usage & crash fixes
Bug fixes:
- improved toolbars for the darkroom with better gradients, shadows & button colors
- fixed video thumbs to display with correct aspect ratio & not fill up entire screen
- fixed zoomed images to only scroll to next/prev image if edge is reached
- improved memory usage & crash fixes
[10.61 Mb] (cкачиваний: 17471)
[9.54 Mb] (cкачиваний: 755)
[10.55 Mb] (cкачиваний: 63469)