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Text Converter Professional 4.0.1 Patched

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Текстовый конвертер у вас на Android смартфоне.

Разработчик: N Studio - Tr?n L? Duy
Язык интерфейса: Английский, Русский
Совместимость: Android™ 4.0+
Состояние: Patched версия
Состояние: Professional версия
Screenshot: Original by Dymonyxx
Google Play Store

The text converter (type input box for encode, output box for decode):
- Upside down text (hello -> o????)
- Text to ascii (ab -> 97 98)
- Text to binary (abc -> 01100001 01100010)
- Text to hex (ab -> 61 62)
- Text to octal (ab -> 141 142)
- Reverser text (abc def -> fed cba)
- Upper text (abc -> ABC)
- Lower text (AbC -> abc)
- Super script (???????????)
- Sub script (?????)
- Morse code (Hello -> .... . .-.. .-.. ---)
- Base64 (Hello -> aGVsbG8=)

- Zalgo text (Hello -> h?????????????l?????????????l??????????????????);

Create fun text, stylist text (40 style):
- h€??? €?€я???€
- ????¤ ?????¤??
- ????? ????Ў???
- нє??? є?єяу?иє
- ????? ?V??????
- ????? ????????
- ????? ????????
- h???? ?v??????
- and more......

Create decorate text (40 style):
- •?((?°·._.• [ hello ] •._.·°?))?•
- ?ll?ll? [ hello ] ?ll?ll?
- ?,?¤?°`°?¤?,??,?¤?° [ hello ] °?¤?,??,?¤?°`°?¤?,?
- •??`•. [ hello ] .•??`•
- ??°”?`”°?? [ hello ] ??°”?`”°??
- •]••???•» [ hello ] «•???••[•
- ]|I{•------» [ hello ] «------•}I|[
- and more......

You can create special text: (more than 100 style)
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- [??h??][??e??][??l??][??l??][??o??] [??e??][??v??][??e??][??r??][??y??][??o??][??n??][??e??]
- ????? ????????
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?
- h??e??l??l??o?? e??v??e??r??y??o??n??e??
- h?e?l?l?o? e?v?e?r?y?o?n?e?

Fix crash when open floating codec and floating stylish

СКАЧАТЬ: [3.56 Mb] (cкачиваний: 149) [2.56 Mb] (cкачиваний: 453)
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