Metro Notifications 7.2.3
уведомления в стиле WP для Android девайсов.
Разработчик: Productigeeky
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Совместимость: Android™ 2.1+
Состояние: PLUS - версия
Screenshot: Original by Dymonyxx
- Android 6 support
- New [less ugly] icon
- (PRO) Reminders. You can now set reminders based on time or location. Just hit the icon on a notification banner.
- (PRO) You can set a custom ringtone/vibration pattern for reminders.
- Bug fixes
- Android 6 support
- New [less ugly] icon
- (PRO) Reminders. You can now set reminders based on time or location. Just hit the icon on a notification banner.
- (PRO) You can set a custom ringtone/vibration pattern for reminders.
- Bug fixes
[7.62 Mb] (cкачиваний: 155)